Campus Sustainability Menu

Composting Basics Video!

Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN)

The Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) cultivates, educates, and inspires the student-led zero waste movement, informing students about the waste crisis and equipping them with the necessary skills and resources to implement solutions to waste in their campus communities.

PLAN was founded in 2013 by a group of college students. These students witnessed a systemic waste problem on their campus and developed the first student-led, financially self-sustaining, zero waste move-out program of its kind. Other campuses wanted to replicate the program and from there, PLAN was born.

Thanks to Student Sustainability Committtee (SSC) funding, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a PLAN member, which means you are a PLAN member as well! Follow these simple steps to access your membership:

  1. Visit
  2. Register using your email
  3. Confirm account in your inbox (make sure to check your “Spam” folder!)
  4. Log in and browse your newly available content!

Resources you can use as a member include:

Learn more about our campus’s PLAN membership and how you can get involved >>>

Recycling Options
Zero Waste Reduction Facebook Group
Zero Waste Efforts

It won’t take a minute, just Bin It!

bin2For Campus Sustainability Week 2016, we’ve teamed up with Facilities & Services to promote recycling on campus! Do your part by recycling your cans, bottles, papers, and cardboard boxes. No matter where you are on campus, you’re never too far from a bin. It won’t take a minute, just Bin It!

Learn more about what can be recycled on campus, how to get your waste in the proper place, and how campus recycling works — from use to reuse — on the official Bin It website.


Purchase 30% Recycled Paper

One significant milestone that occurred in the first year of iSEE’s Certified Green Office Program was an April 2015 deal between Office Depot OfficeMax and F&S Stores & Receiving, which allows for a ream of 30% recycled office paper to be sold through the iStores punch out for 14 cents less than virgin paper through iBuy. Read more about that new opportunity to green your office here.


Campus and community programs, events, features and tips related to purchasing, waste, and recycling


More on campus recycling efforts

The Waste Transfer Station recycles or diverts from landfills nearly 50% of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign waste. In fiscal year 2009, the Waste Transfer Station recycled 1852 tons of paper and cardboard, 38 tons of aluminum cans, 899 tons of scrap metal, 38 tons of plastic, 1300 tons of landscape waste and 325 tons of pallets. In addition to the Waste Transfer Station’s efforts, the Campus Garage and Carpool recapped 25 tires rather than replacing them. Over the years, the University has recycled approximately 2,500 semi loads of materials. This effort kept 53,000 tons out of the landfill and generated 3.5 million in cash. The University also recycles equipment, both electronic and non-electronic. In fiscal year 2009, we recycled over 118 tons of electronic equipment and nearly 300 tons of non-electronic equipment.

University Construction Services demolished a Dining facility and captured 77% of the material for recycling. Material included copper, aluminum, glass, baling material and structural steel. This project was completed on time and well within budget. By utilizing recycling of this demolition, the University kept more than 3 million pounds of material out of the landfill. This is the model for future demolition projects.

The Labor Electrician’s shop has operated a Fluorescent Lamp Recycling program since 2000. Shop employees properly recycle 99.9% of all University light bulbs. The Maintenance Electrical Repair shop has also been successful at recycling ballasts and removing copper wiring.

Check out this iSEE article on helium recycling on the U of I campus >>>

Zero Waste iCAP Team

Poster displaying key points from the iCAP 2020 Zero Waste theme.

“At-a-glance” key points from the iCAP 2020 Zero Waste theme. Click for an enlarged version.

Read iCAP 2020 Chapter 5: Zero Waste >>>

The Zero Waste Team examines sustainable purchasing, waste disposal, recycling, and campus dining — with the goal of achieving zero waste on campus as outlined by the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).

iCAP Topical Teams report annually on progress made toward Illinois Climate Action Plan objectives in their area of focus.

Read a 2024 update on iCAP progress in zero waste >>>


Current Team Members
  • Faculty: Nishant Garg, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2022-)
  • Faculty: Joy Scrogum, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Assistant Scientist, Sustainability (2016-18, 2022-) Read more about Joy >>>
  • Staff: Thurman Etchison, University Housing Food Service Administrator (2015-21, 2022-) Read more about Thurman >>>
  • Staff: Aaron Finder, Office of Business and Financial Services Assistant Director of Purchasing (2019-) Read more about Aaron >>>
  • Staff: Daphne Hulse, Zero Waste Coordinator, Facilities & Services (2022-) Read more in a Q&A with Daphne >>>
  • Staff: Tim Knox, Assistant Athletic Director for Facilities & Capital Projects (2023-)
  • Student: Jenna Schaefer, Graduate student (2021-) Read more about Jenna >>>
  • Student: Dominika Szal, Undergraduate in Civil & Environmental Engineering (2023-) Read more about Dominika >>>
  • Student: Sakshi Vaya, Undergraduate in Earth, Society and Environmental Sustainability (2023-) Read more about Sakshi >>>
  • Clerk: Olivia Pazerunas, Undergraduate in Agricultural & Consumer Economics (2023-) (Email) Read more about Olivia >>>