Resilience iCAP Team

Poster displaying key points from the iCAP 2020 Resilience theme.

“At-a-glance” key points from the iCAP 2020 Resilience theme. Click for an enlarged version.

Read iCAP 2020 Chapter 8: Resilience >>> 

The Resilience Team, formed in 2019, was charged because of a joint climate resilience proclamation from the University of Illinois and the cities of Urbana and Champaign. Its charge is to liaise with the other iCAP Topical Teams to develop recommendations that may be sent to the iCAP Working Group, the cities, or both.

This Team brings campus and the greater community together to address what must be done to prepare for vulnerabilities to extreme weather and other results of climate change.

iCAP Topical Teams report annually on progress made toward Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) objectives in their area of focus.

Read a 2023 update on iCAP progress in resilience >>>


Current Team Members
  • Constance Brown, Lecturer in Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability (2021-)
  • Stacey DeLorenzo, Transportation Systems Manager, Facilities & Services (2024-)
  • Warren Lavey, Adjunct Professor of Law, Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences (2017-)
  • Carena van Riper, Associate Professor of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences (2023-)
  • Caitlin Kelly, Village of Savoy Management Analyst (2023-)
  • Carrie McKillip, University of Illinois Extension Community Development Educator for Henderson, Knox, McDonough & Warren counties (2023-)
  • Nicole Millage, City of Champaign Environmental Sustainability Specialist (2022-)/Lacey Rains Lowe, City of Champaign Senior Planner (2017-)
  • Marcus Ricci, City of Urbana Planner (2022-)/Scott Tess, City of Urbana Environmental Sustainability Manager (2017-) Read more about Scott and his service on the Resilience iCAP Team >>>
  • Cheryl Bicknell, Associate Director for Project Planning, Facilities & Services (F&S) (2023-)
  • Miriam Keep, iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator (2023-)
  • Linda Derhak, M.S. student in Urban Planning (2022-) Read more about Linda >>>
  • Clerk: Claire Keating, Undergraduate in Natural Resource & Environmental Sciences (2023-) (Email)