
Meet Olivia Messerges

Meet Olivia Messerges, a senior studying Agricultural and Consumer Economics with minors in Legal Studies and iSEE’s Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Fellows Program (SEE FP). Additionally, Messerges works for iSEE as the Transportation iCAP Team clerk. ...

Meet Mitchell Bryant

Meet Mitchell Bryant, a second-year Bioengineering Ph.D. student and a member of the university’s Transportation iCAP Team.  Bryant’s involvement with this specific team stemmed from his desire to install a bike shelter near the Engineering Quad. While he admits that...

Meet Sebastian Vega

Meet Sebastian Vega, a sophomore studying Chemical Engineering and a member of the 2023-2024 Transportation iCAP Team.  Vega initially learned about the iCAP teams through his membership with the 2022-2023 GFX Global Sustainability Scholars program. After working with...

Meet Sarthak Prasad

Meet Sarthak Prasad, Sustainable Transportation Assistant at Facilities & Services (F&S) and a member of the Transportation SWATeam. Prasad attended the U of I as a master’s student, and he has been working for F&S since graduation. The...