
Experts Write Op-Ed on GM Mosquitoes

Vector biologists, geneticists, policy experts, and bioethicists are concerned that current government oversight and scientific evaluation of genetically modified mosquitoes do not ensure their responsible deployment. On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, organizers and...

iSEE Funds 8 New Research Projects

The Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) is providing seed funding for eight new research projects at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — six under its 2020 interdisciplinary research initiative and two Campus as a Living...

iSEE Names 2020-21 Teaching Cohort

iSEE is pleased to announce that eight instructors have been named 2020-21 Levenick iSEE Teaching Sustainability Fellows. Funded by a generous endowment from Illinois Alumnus Stuart L. Levenick and his wife Nancy J. Levenick, this second cohort of faculty and teachers...