Mar 1, 2017 | Crops in silico Project, iSEE Bios, News Releases, RESEARCH PROFILES
Ph.D. Candidate Kavya Kannan confidently sits behind her laptop explaining a series of charts and graphs. By looking at her screen, you’d never know that her computer — a manmade mixture of metals and complex engineering — allows her to enhance one of the earth’s most...
Dec 21, 2016 | iSEE Research, News Releases, RESEARCH PROFILES, Smart Water Disinfection Project
Kelley Goncalves is a Ph.D. student in Molecular and Cellular Biology, so her part in the Smart Water Disinfection project is mostly under the microscope. The Smart Water project as a whole seeks a more detailed understanding of how viruses become inactivated...
Dec 21, 2016 | iSEE Research, News Releases, RESEARCH PROFILES, Smart Water Disinfection Project
Bernardo Vazquez Bravo is a Ph.D. student in Environmental Engineering focusing on drinking water disinfection. As part of the Smart Water Disinfection project, he is working to understand more precisely how widely-used modern virus inactivating methods like chlorine...
Dec 21, 2016 | iSEE Research, News Releases, RESEARCH PROFILES, Stormwater and Mosquito Control Project
Allison Gardner is a Ph.D. Candidate in Entomology researching the effects of habitat quality on the reproduction of mosquitoes. In particular, she studies how different species of leaves caught in a storm drain — a favorite breeding place for mosquitoes — can help or...
Dec 21, 2016 | iSEE Research, News Releases, RESEARCH PROFILES, Stormwater and Mosquito Control Project
Andrew Mackay is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Entomology with a broad interest in arthropods and public health. He joined Associate Professor Brian Allan’s lab in 2012, just as Allan was starting to turn his mind toward human-made stormwater...
Dec 21, 2016 | iSEE Research, News Releases, RESEARCH PROFILES, Stormwater and Mosquito Control Project
As part of the iSEE-funded Stormwater and Mosquito Control Project, Medical Entomology Ph.D. student Elijah Juma is examining how decaying leaves in stormwater affect the habitats — and the life cycles — of mosquitoes. In Summer 2016, Elijah undertook his first field...