CABBI First Certified Green Laboratory

CABBI personnel display the Center’s newly achieved gold-level Certified Green Lab and Certified Green Office awards. From left: Research Coordinator Michael Ponte, Research Coordinator Anna Fedders, Lab Manager Lucienne Burrus, Project Manager Elizabeth Murphy, Theme Secretary Donell Ash, Research Coordinator Anya Knecht, and Sophie.

The Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) is the inaugural Certified Green Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Through this certification, CABBI has demonstrated a firm commitment to sustainability through actions like reducing waste, conserving energy, and abiding by the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry. The Certified Green Lab Program (CGLP) began in August 2018 and is managed by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE).

“For almost five years, the Certified Green Office Program has provided offices and departments across campus an opportunity to make the University of Illinois more sustainable,” iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator Micah Kenfield said. “Given that research laboratories are one of campus’ biggest utility consumers, the new Certified Green Lab Program is a natural complement. Small actions add up to a big impact, and we’re thrilled to offer resources to help support campus laboratories as they go greener.”

The CGLP and Certified Green Office Program (CGOP) will be joined later this semester by the Certified Green Chapter and Certified Green RSO programs, offering — for the first time — guided opportunities for student groups to actively participate in campus sustainability efforts.

Learn more about all of iSEE’s green certifications >>>