Meet Sarthak Prasad

Meet Sarthak Prasad, Sustainable Transportation Assistant at Facilities & Services (F&S) and a member of the Transportation SWATeam.

Prasad attended the U of I as a master’s student, and he has been working for F&S since graduation.

The Transportation SWATeam’s goal is to reduce transportation emissions on campus. Prasad said transportation sustainability is so important because it is second to agriculture in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.

Due to his unique position — having access to both administrative information and student perspectives — Prasad felt he could contribute greatly to the Transportation SWATeam. Specifically, he hopes to guide students with his information so that together, they can draft strong objectives for the Transportation chapter of the 2020 iCAP. 

“My job is to engage with students, faculty, staff, and community members to spread awareness and promote alternative modes of transportation — like bicycles, walking, transit, carpool, etc. I assist and manage bicycle-related projects on-campus, and also assist the TDM Coordinator at the U of I with other transportation-related projects,” he said.

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