Inside the ELP: Student Takes Part
in iSEE’s Immersive Experience
iSEE Communications Intern Erin Minor is a member of the 2024 Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) cohort.
Here, she chronicles her environmental leadership journey through a series of posts highlighting the ELP immersive experience.
She offers highlights from ELP class sessions, insights from various visiting experts, the team projects the students have taken on, the travel experience to local and state government sites, and other events and lessons she and her cohort encountered throughout the first half of the Spring 2024 semester.
BONUS POST: April 30, 2024

Erin Minor, left, and Sophie Meade advocate for a House bill on climate education with Rep. Matt Hanson, D-Batavia, during a spring break visit to Illinois legislative offices in Springfield. Hanson voted for the bill, which passed the House in April.
The Environmental Leadership Program may have ended the week after spring break, but the pieces of legislation that students worked on are still working their way through the Illinois General Assembly.
On April 18, the Illinois House of Representatives passed HB 4895, the bill my partner and I worked on for all of the ELP! It was passed 70-37, and many of its co-sponsors were legislators that Sophie Meade and I spoke to in Springfield, including Reps. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, and Will Guzzardi, D-Chicago.
The bill was amended in the month and a half since our work on it through the ELP. As it stands now, starting with the 2026-27 school year, the bill will require all Illinois public high schools to provide instruction on climate change. This instruction includes the impacts of climate change on individuals and communities as well as evaluating solutions and mitigations for those impacts. The State Board of Education will provide instructional resources and professional development opportunities for teachers to meet these requirements.
The bill now has to be passed by the Senate, where it is being sponsored by Sen. Laura Ellman, D-Naperville. It is currently in committee, which must pass it to bring it to vote in front of the entire Senate. If any amendments are made in the Senate, it will return to the House to repeat the whole process with the new amendments.
Sophie and I were excited to see this pass the first hurdle, and we hope to someday soon report that Gov. J.B. Pritzker has signed it into law!
FINAL POST: March 19, 2024
Spring Break brought the tail end of this year’s ELP and a very busy week for the cohort! Monday was our prep day: putting final touches on fact sheets; preparing our elevator pitches about our bills; confirming scheduled meetings with representatives; and meeting with Jen Walling from the Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) to get feedback on our pitches and advice about the best way to communicate with legislators.

From left, University of Illinois President Tim Killeen, state Rep. Barbara Hernandez, D-Aurora, Rep. Sue Scherer, D-Decatur, Sophie Meade, Erin Minor, and Rep. La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago.
Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in Springfield at the Capitol talking to representatives, sitting in on committee hearings, and visiting agencies. It was thrilling to be at the Capitol when the general assembly was in session — there were so many people there and it felt special to be see how the sausage gets made, so to speak.
My personal highlight was the very first meeting my partner and I had with state Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, on Tuesday afternoon. It was a great first meeting because he was so friendly and excited to talk to us. The first few minutes of our conversation were spent with him asking questions about ourselves before we even got to a discussion of the climate education bill we are advocating for. After pitching our bill to him, not only did he agree to support it when it came to the floor, but he even asked to be a chief co-sponsor of the bill. And realizing we were students from the University of Illinois, he graciously invite us to a reception he was attending that night with the University of Illinois System, where he introduced us to many administrators for the University, including President Tim Killeen.
Site visits in Springfield included: the IEC offices, where Walling guided us around the Capitol and introduced us to legislators who might be interested in supporting our bills; the Illinois EPA, where Director John Kim spoke to us about the all-encompassing work there; and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, which was one of my favorite visits of the trip. It was our last stop in Springfield before heading to Chicago, and we met many of IDNR department directors. As a senior thinking about career paths after graduation, I was really interested in learning about what they all do for IDNR and to realize what a wide scope the department encompasses.

The 2024 ELP cohort was the first to visit Chicago, learning firsthand about corporate sustainability in the big city.
We spent about 24 hours in Chicago, and every moment was packed, with four different site visits during that time. Our first stop was the Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC), where a few attorneys spoke about their areas of environmental law and what they did for the ELPC. Many ELP students are either planning to or thinking about going to law school or pursuing environmental law in some capacity, and this was an exciting opportunity to ask questions and learn about careers they might pursue with a law degree.
On Friday morning, we visited a few companies including Motorola Solutions, inc., to discuss corporate sustainability. This was something I had very little background information about before my ELP experience, and these visits offered a great real-world application of the things we learned from earlier classroom visitors about their work in corporate sustainability. Our last stop in Chicago was Resource Environmental Solutions (RES), an ecological restoration company that focuses in the Midwest on wetlands. I was familiar with the company as I spoke to representatives at the Green Career Fair on campus a few weeks back, but enjoyed hearing from a wider variety of employees in more detail about their work. Some of these topics included environmental engineering, the work that goes into project management, and how environmental policy impacts their work (many of their clients are land developers who are required by federal or state policy to restore other ecosystems when projects damage existing natural ecosystems).
Overall, I am so thrilled to have had this experience. It gave me some insight into career paths that I was unsure whether I wanted to pursue (like policy work) as well as opening my eyes to new careers in environmental sustainability. The most important thing I gained from the ELP was the experience talking to representatives and the opportunity to network and build a foundation of relationships in environmental issues that I may very well be able to use in the future.
Now that I have had this hands-on experience, I feel more confident in my ability to apply my skills and knowledge once I leave the University.
POST 4: March 5, 2024

Harriet Hentges talks about career paths with the ELP students.
This week, ELP students are preparing for their visit to Springfield next week during spring break! Preparations include setting up appointments to meet with representatives at the State Capitol, putting final touches on policy research, and developing presentations to pitch legislative issues to representatives. My team has a few meetings set up, including one with Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, to discuss climate education. The groups working on local issues will present to the Urbana and Champaign City Councils when they meet after spring break on March 25-26.
In the past two weeks, the ELP has continued hosting guests to speak to students about sustainability careers, something of particular interest to several of us.
On Feb. 23, we were grateful for an in-person visit with Harriet Hentges, who is CEO of Hentges Associates, an advising firm working to promote sustainability in retail. Hentges spoke to the cohort about corporate responsibility, her experience working on Walmart’s first sustainability team, and careers in sustainability.
Students with an interest in sustainability in the private sector were also invited to a breakfast with Hentges as well one-on-one meetings to learn more.
Last week, on March 1, the ELP welcomed Sustainability Manager Madison Rudolph from Motorola Solutions. Students will visit Motorola Solutions and other companies with sustainability projects while in Chicago at the end of next week.
POST 3: Feb. 20, 2024


Meet Sophie Meade, a freshman majoring in Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability. She and I are partnering on an ELP project to promote HB 4319, which amends the Illinois school code to require public schools to include curriculum about climate change.
For Meade, the main draw to the ELP was the opportunity to work directly with legislators about environmental issues.
“I loved the idea of speaking to representatives; I think that’s really exciting,” she said. “I had the opportunity to do that in high school and really enjoyed the feeling of interacting with reps and trying to create change.”
So far, Meade has enjoyed learning from our weekly guest speakers as well as researching a bill that she feels passionate about. One speaker who really made an impression was Jasmine Crowe-Houston, who visited Feb. 9. Crowe founded Goodr, a company that reduces food waste by collecting extra food from businesses and taking them to local food banks.
“I think it was cool because even if it wasn’t directly related to environmental policy, her story of finding an important issue and tackling it is applicable to anyone in the environmental field,” Meade said.
She said her work on HB 4319 stems from a personal experience.
“I specifically remember being in middle school and feeling confused why they weren’t talking about climate change,” Meade said. “I think it’s really important that it is highlighted in state curriculum.
“I had a lot of climate anxiety about the future when I was young, and I think learning about it early on in a way geared toward solutions and hope — rather than the fear that’s really prevalent in the media — would help young people.”
POST 2: Feb. 6, 2024


One of the groups in the ELP this year will work on a bill that was in part created by cohort member Rudy LaFave. Working in coordination with the Illinois Environmental Council (IEC), the bill he helped create would divest University of Illinois System funds from fossil fuel companies, one of the goals outlined in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).
LaFave had the idea to create a piece of legislation to accomplish this goal in 2022 but decided to act on it this past summer. So he got in contact with University of Illinois alumna Jen Walling, Executive Director of the IEC. Using that connection, she was happy to help implement his ideas, and after a few Zoom meetings over the summer, the IEC drafted a piece of legislation. It was inspired by HB 3037, which would divest the Illinois pension system from fossil fuels and is co-sponsored by state Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana.
Walling also visited the ELP during the January intensive to walk students through the Illinois legislative process. LaFave says being in the program has given him a better view of all the parts of submitting a piece of legislation, which the IEC handled behind the scenes last summer.
“The IEC was integral to getting it to the LRB (Legislative Review Board) and sending the paperwork to cosponsors,” LaFave said.
However, he and a few fellow students were the ones contacting Illinois representatives to garner support and cosponsors for the bill. This is where he sees the strength in the ELP.
“One thing the ELP can be very good at is reaching out to legislators,” he said. “Being able to identify, contact, and get a meeting with legislators, I think is the goal of the ELP team.”
POST 1: Jan. 23, 2024

Champaign City Council member Alicia Beck presents to Environmental Leadership Program students during intensive training Jan. 12
While many groups in this year’s ELP cohort will be lobbying for pieces of environmental legislation at the Illinois State Legislature like in years past, those working on local issues will have a new opportunity to take a more hands-on approach to the policy creation process.
Urbana City Council Ward 6 Representative Grace Wilkin visited on the first day the ELP met to discuss the legislative process on a local level, and she came with ideas for environmental policy she would like to see enacted in Urbana. Usually, city staffers employed by the mayor drive policy-making, and the policies that are brought to the council for approval are limited by the time those employees have to create and flesh them out. So, while council members have the final say on which policies are enacted, they generally are not the ones proposing policies themselves.
This year, instead of working on their own to advocate a legislative issue to the city councils, ELP students who are taking on local environmental policy issues will connect with staff in the city government to help create a policy that will be brought to the council for approval.
ELP groups will work on two local projects proposed by Wilkin: revamping the City of Urbana’s Climate Action Plan (and possibly helping the City of Champaign enact its own); and helping with the creation of a plastic bag tax in Urbana.
Urbana’s Climate Action Plan was last updated for 2015-20, and new goals and plans have not been set since then. This group working on that plan will assess how the city is doing on reaching the goals previously set and updating them to reduce the city’s greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change impacts.
Students working on a plastic bag tax proposal will talk to stakeholders in the community, such as grocery store managers, to receive feedback on concerns that this policy may bring up. The group will also consider how this tax may impact low-income individuals in the community. A large part of the work will include researching plastic bag taxes already enacted in other places, like Washington, D.C., to assess what works and doesn’t work.
Wilkin came to speak to us as a part of the two-day intensive that kicked off the program on Jan. 12-13. Other guests speakers included: Alicia Beck, Champaign City Council District 2; Jeff Hamilton, Communications Manager for the Champaign City Manager’s Office; and Jennifer Walling, Executive Director of the Illinois Environmental Council.
A look back at 2023 …
iSEE Communications Intern Lucy Nifong was a member of the second ELP cohort.
Here are her posts about the experience.

On Friday, Feb. 17, the ELP cohort met Jeff Hamilton, the Communications Manager of the City of Champaign Mayor’s Office, who revealed the surprising complexity and diversity of local governments. He compared the two primary forms of local government found in the United States: council-manager form and mayor-council form.
Champaign follows the council-manager form, meaning the day-to-day operations of city government are run by the city manager, an individual professionally trained in government administration. The city council elects the city manager, while the mayor of Champaign serves as one of the nine council members.
Urbana follows the mayor-council form of government, sometimes referred to as strong-mayor form. In this structure, the mayor effectively serves as the city manager and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the city. This style closely resembles the three-branch structure of government: the mayor is the executive branch, and the city council is the legislative branch.
On Feb. 24, the ELP cohort met Marissa Brewer, the Director of Advocacy for the University of Illinois Office of External Relations and Communications. She provided us with excellent tips for political advocacy, echoing the messages of previous ELP guests like Jennifer Walling and Alicia Beck. Brewer says the most effective part of advocacy is your personal story: How are you connected to this legislation?
Brewer also highlighted the Student Advocacy Coalition, which like ELP, allows students to learn about the legislative process in-depth and advocate at all levels of government. This organization extends across the University of Illinois system and promotes policies that positively impact university students.
With the advice of our expert speakers in mind, the ELP cohort is revving up to visit the city council and the state capitol. My team met with a staffer for Democratic Rep. Janet Yang Rohr of the 41st District (and our bill’s sponsor) and a lobbyist from the Illinois Environmental Council to examine the nitty gritty details of the bill. We hope to finalize our fact sheet this week and schedule meetings with our local representatives and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

On Feb. 3, the ELP cohort welcomed Madison Rudolph, the Sustainability Manager at Motorola Solutions in Chicago. She outlined the complicated environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) frameworks that companies use to monitor internal progress toward ethical, transparency, and sustainability goals and report their performance to the public.
Rudolph is responsible for Motorola Solution’s annual ESG reporting. Public companies like Motorola Solutions voluntarily select and rank their most important goals (ex. reducing emissions, creating diversity in the company board, regulatory compliance, and countless others) and publish metrics that reveal their progress toward the prioritized goals. Although many ESG reporting frameworks exist, Rudolph focused on the popular Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), which specifically accounts for materiality: how does ESG information affect investors’ judgement of the company? Companies’ environmental and social behaviors may harm or bolster their reputation, which has tangible financial impacts, so SASB accounts for material information that is not incorporated into normal financial accounting.
Public demand for comprehensive ESG reporting is growing, and most public companies participate in this voluntary practice. Investors, policy makers, agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other firms consider ESG data when interacting with a company. Individuals rely on ESG data to act as informed and conscientious consumers, or in other words, to vote with their dollar.
The following Friday, ELP teams began to research their selected local or state policies and determine who to contact to begin the advocacy process. My group, “Right to Recreate,” will contact our bill’s sponsor to voice our support, discuss the potential impacts of the bill, and learn why some groups may be opposed to it. Next, each group member will individually reach out to the state representative from our own district to advocate for the Right to Recreate legislation. After all, politics is all about making personal connections.
The Environmental Leadership Program is in full swing! On Friday, Jan. 20, the cohort met at the National Soybean Research Lab for our first of eight weekly meetings. This initial session was perhaps our most important of the semester: We determined the policies we will advocate for over spring break.
The process took longer than anticipated because almost every student was attached to multiple policies, even though we can only join one policy team. We really struggled to let some of them go. In fact, a few pity votes were strategically given to keep policies from getting cut from the final list. I guess environmentalists are sentimental.
If anything, the difficulty of choosing a single policy focus speaks to the vast room for improvement in our state and local environmental regulations. There’s always more work to be done! After multiple rounds of re-reading the policies, debating, and voting, the list of policies we plan to tackle was finalized. From now until spring break, teams of two to four students will research their policy in-depth and develop a fact sheet in support of or against the proposed action.
My group will be advocating for “Right to Recreate” legislation, a bill that would ensure public access to all navigable waterways in Illinois. This legislation would prevent private landowners from restricting access to bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams) that are capable of supporting commercial or recreational watercraft. I’m excited to support the Right to Recreate bill because it advances both human rights and environmental justice.
Last Friday, Jan. 27, guest speaker Eban Goodstein, Director of the Center for Environmental Policy at Bard College, discussed the skills and techniques for successful environmental communication. He emphasized the power of storytelling and the importance of practice, practice, practice. These communication tips will be especially handy when we meet legislators and city council members in March.
A year after the launch of iSEE’s Environmental Leadership Program, a new cohort kicked off the second year of the program on campus. Students from a variety of majors and backgrounds met for two full days Jan. 12-13 to learn about the policy-making process from local and state leaders. And this year, students were able to gather in person rather than online.
During the two-day intensive, we explored the specific legislative process each bill must go through in the Illinois General Assembly before it becomes law. The intensive focused on strengthening our advocacy and negotiation skills and preparing the cohort to read and track bills during the spring legislative session.
Guest speakers discussed their unique responsibilities as political staffers, lobbyists, legal advisors, and city council members. They highlighted the educational backgrounds and work experience that led them to those positions, giving us insight into different public policy career paths. Hearing their stories was eye-opening and inspiring, and ELP students were eager to ask questions and learn more.
In the coming weeks, the cohort will split into teams to advocate for a specific local or state policy. The policy may be an existing bill or a bill the students design themselves.
Speakers during the two-day intensive included Harriet Hentges, President and CEO, Hentges Associates; Grace Wilkin, Ward 6 representative on the Urbana City Council and member of the Urbana Sustainability Advisory Committee; Andrea Porter, Chief of Staff for state Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana, and Madam Secretary of AALSCC; Jennifer Walling, Executive Director, Illinois Environmental Council; Mary Hanahan, Deputy Chief Legal Counsel, Office of Illinois Senate President Don Harmon; and Alicia Beck, a member of the Champaign City Council.
A look back at 2022 …
iSEE Communications Intern Kratika Tandon was a member of the inaugural ELP cohort.
Here are her posts about the experience.
It’s the last week of the Environmental Leadership Program, and our trip to the Urbana and Champaign City Councils and the State Capitol in Springfield will kick off in a few days. The past couple of weeks kept us very busy: Our groups have put the final touches on our policy proposals. The bill that my group is working on is known as HB4093, or the EPA-Environmental Justice Bill. This legislation was passed by the Illinois House of Representatives after a series of readings and is now making its way through the Senate. In Springfield, we will meet with legislators to discuss supporting the bill.
We’ve also been busy meeting new speakers as well. This past Friday, we heard from Marissa Brewer, Director of Advocacy at the University of Illinois’ Office of Governmental Relations. Her presentation was especially insightful because she gave advice on what to expect when we have our short meetings with our legislators. Brewer gave us basic tips on how to speak with them and what we need to have prepared.
Overall, it’s been a great few weeks — and we look forward to wrapping up this experience. Thursday, March 17, will be our final day of presentations, and we plan to conclude the program with a banquet for students and staff to celebrate the launch of the very first version of the ELP.
Stay tuned for a final post within the next week or so!

City of Urbana Sustainability Manager & Resilience Officer Scott Tess, right, visits with ELP students in the iSEE Collaboratory. Credit: Mark Herman, iSEE
We’ve just completed Week 5 of the Environmental Leadership Program! Groups have been working diligently to formulate their policy proposals. As previously mentioned, my group is working on an EPA Environmental Justice bill and the main thing on our agenda is completing our research. We also plan to reach out to political leaders at Springfield ahead of our visit to the Capitol in hopes of getting more professional advice as we continue with our progress.
These past couple weeks, students also had the opportunity to meet with two individuals from local governments who have taught us a lot about how the policymaking process works at this level. Last week, Scott Tess, the Sustainability Manager & Resilience Officer for the City of Urbana and also a member of the Resilience SWATeam made up of campus and community members, came in to work with the groups that are working on local policy proposals. Tess helped them gain a basic understanding of what goes on behind the scenes and answered any questions that they may have had.
The following week, we heard from Jeff Hamilton, the Communications Manager in the Champaign City Manager’s office. Hamilton discussed mayor-council dynamics at local government levels and provided us real-time examples from the city of Champaign. Needless to say, we’ve had a busy couple of weeks!
We are now in Week 3 of our meetings for the Environmental Leadership Program. So far, the students have been meeting in smaller groups to organize ideas for our policy proposals. We have also had the opportunity to hear from more guest speakers from different professional backgrounds.
During our first weekly meeting, we heard from the University of Illinois at Springfield’s Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Brandon Derman, who discussed the struggles for climate justice and how uneven geographies and the politics of connection play a big role. Last week, we heard from Eban Goodstein, Director of the Center of Environmental Policy and the MBA in Sustainability at Bard College. He gave us insights on solutions to environmental issues from communications and economic standpoints. Both of these presentations were incredibly insightful and beneficial to us as we continue with our policy work.
The general objective of this program is for students to select a piece of legislation on the local or state level that we wish to pursue. After our bill is determined, we spend the rest of our time conducting extensive research and formulating a short presentation. Once we head to the government buildings in Urbana-Champaign and Springfield, we will be able to present our proposals to local and state government decision-makers.
The group I’m in is working on a state-level EPA Environmental Justice bill that focuses on defining environmental justice communities and providing these groups with the ability to access resources. That’s all I can disclose so far — to hear more about what we’ve been working on, don’t forget to check back in for my next posts on this blog!
The Environmental Leadership Program has just begun, and it’s off to a great start! At the end of winter break, our class met over Zoom to get to know each other and discuss potential policy proposal ideas.
During these first two days of intensive training, we received a crash-course on the basics of environmental advocacy and a comprehensive explanation of what is expected from this program.
We also had the opportunity to hear from guest speakers from a variety of legal, political, and advocacy-based backgrounds at local, state, and even international levels.
The presentation by Illinois Environmental Council Executive Director Jennifer Walling was especially insightful. She explained her duties of administering the strategic direction and management of the council. The organization works to draft, lobby, and pass bills that focus on implementing environmentally responsible legislation within the state. Her real-life experience was particularly interesting because Walling is involved in policy advocacy in Springfield, which is exactly what we will be working on this semester.
Other speakers during our two-day intensive: Grace Wilkin, Ward 6 Representative on the Urbana City Council; Andrea Porter, Legislative Assistant for state Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana; Clara Feng, Senior Fellow at Citizens’ Climate International; and Ashley Stead and Mary Hanahan, Senior Legal Counsels at the Office of Illinois Senate President Don Harmon.
Stay tuned for more posts documenting the ELP experience first-hand!