Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling

Meet Aaron Finder

Aaron FinderĀ is the Assistant Purchasing Director for the Purchasing Office and a member of the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam.Prior to joining the Purchasing Office, Finder worked for the Chief Procurement Office of Higher Education. Now he develops and...

Meet Joy Scrogum

Joy Scrogum is an Emerging Technologies Resource Specialist at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC, a Division of the Prairie Research Institute). While she spends most of her time with zero waste projects in the Technical Assistance Program, she also...

Meet Warren Lavey

Warren Lavey is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Science in the School of Earth, Society and Environment. He is also actively involved in the College of Law and the Natural Resources department in the College of ACES. In the past,...