Meet Grace Smith: The Importance of Sustainability in the Classroom

Meet Grace Smith, a sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering, and one of the newest members of the University of Illinois’s Education iCAP team for 2022-23.

Smith’s involvement with the team began as a result of her initial participation in the GFX Global Sustainability Scholars Program offered through the Grainger College of Engineering. She is a big supporter of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) education goals because that’s how she initially heard about the plan itself — through a class.

She understands how crucial it is to learn about sustainability in a classroom setting, and hopes to contribute more to seeing a greater shift towards sustainability on campus. Making a visible difference at the university is important to Smith, and she wants to help improve campus sustainability in any way possible. She hopes to make a tangible difference, and her goal is to see implementation of the Education team’s mandatory workshop, EARTH (Environmental Action Right This Hour).

In her time, Smith enjoys singing, spending time outdoors, and watching movies.

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— Article by iSEE Communications Intern Kratika Tandon