Collaboratory / Media Room Space Booking:

  • The calendar for the Collaboratory is available here: (Note: The calendar also includes the Media Lab, but that is by appointment only by emailing the Media Lab Coordinator — or for now,
  • Tony, Amy, and Jenny all have administrator access to the calendar in webtools to access and create events to them (again, no Media Lab entries should be made without word from Adam).
  • If you or someone you know needs the Collaboratory for a meeting / event / whatever, you can go to Webtools -> Calendars -> Manage, pick the relevant room, and then punch in “Add Event,” a straightforward form (again, no Media Lab entries should be made without word from the Media Lab Coordinator).
  • Feel free to distribute the calendar link above to people who might want to know when space is available (again, no Media Lab references should be made without word from Media Lab Coordinator).
  • The current list of preset room options is available here:

Equipment Check-Out from Media Room

  • Comms is working on an inventory and procedure to make sure nothing walks off, which will be placed on this page as soon as it’s done

Who-to-Ask Reference List