In November 2014, the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) made a Request for Proposals for 2015 seed grants to launch interdisciplinary, thematic research projects.
iSEE asked that pre-proposals, due Feb. 1, 2015, outline projects that address a global problem within one of iSEE’s themes:

At a Nov. 20, 2014, town hall meeting, iSEE Director Evan DeLucia discusses the 2015 RFP for interdisciplinary research project funding through the Institute.
Secure and Sustainable Agriculture
Among the information the pre-proposal was expected to include were addressing the strengths of the proposed interdisciplinary research team. After a review, principal investigators will be asked to submit full proposals in April.
The Institute, which planned to fund new research projects with up to $400,000 over a three-year span, encouraged proposals in the Climate Solutions and Sustainable Infrastructure themes but also welcomed proposed projects in the other three themes, as well as projects that touch more than one theme. The proposal process opened Nov. 14, 2014; two or more seed grants will be announced in early June 2015.
Interested applicants were able to find out more about the 2015 call for proposals at the Nov. 20 Town Hall meeting. Anyone with further questions is encouraged to email the Institute.
The Institute funds what it calls “actionable research” — to find lasting solutions to urgent, real-world issues. In 2014, it funded three such projects: Smart Water Disinfection; Woody Polyculture; and Stored Solar Stove. To read the announcement from June 2014, in which more than $940,000 was awarded, click here.
More links:
A timeline for the proposal and approval process
— Tony Mancuso, iSEE Communications and Public Affairs Coordinator