Get Outside! Four Ways to Enjoy the Illinois Quad this Summer

Every spring, after the long, cold Midwest winter has thawed, there is that first special day, “Opening Day,” when the sun warms Illinois and it seems as if all the students come out of hiding. The University of Illinois’ Main Quad goes from barren to full of life. Students are throwing Frisbees, hammocking, and relaxing in the sun.

So why not continue this all summer long?

Below is iSEE Communications Intern Chloe Rice’s list of four fun activities to do on the Quad throughout the summer. Come along and enjoy the sunshine.

  1. Yoga on the Quad

I will be honest with you: I am not a yoga fanatic and barely can do a sun salutation without being directed by a teacher. But I always feel relaxed and strong after a yoga class. Classes are great, but why not grab a couple friends and feed off of each other’s ideas for some yoga on the Quad? If you feel the need, download an app on your phone and follow along. This is a great way to get exercise and bask in the summer’s glow. 

  1. Farmers Market

If I had to pick, this would have to be my favorite activity. I LOVE a good farmers market. I geeked out hard when I found out the Sustainable Student Farm hosts a mini market stand on the Quad. They are on the Quad from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Thursday from May through October. Buy all your fresh vegetables here, and support the students who work so hard all year to continue a sustainable tradition at the University of Illinois.

  1. Picnic on the Quad

If the farmers market is my favorite activity, having a picnic on campus  is by default my second favorite activity on this list. Cut up all your fresh vegetables from the farmers market and make a great lunch for yourself and your friends. This is also a cool idea for a lunch or dinner date, all while still supporting the students. If you don’t have the time but need to get out of the office or classroom, grab and go. The Quad is still waiting. 

  1. Movie on the Quad

Catching a film on the Quad is honestly a summer dream come true. I grew up in a big town, but it is still surrounded by cornfields, so I was lucky enough to have a drive-in theater nearby. The Illini Union’s free movie night at 9 p.m. every Thursday on the Quad is the closest thing to a drive-in I can think of. Bring a mat or blanket and enjoy the nice weather and a good movie. If the weather is bad, organizers show the movie inside the Union. Check out the link above for the list of movies they are showing each Thursday.